Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Memorial Day

30 May 2011
Can anyne guess where we went for Memorial Day? You don't know do you?...hahaha. Bowling! It was a fierce competition, as usual! Uhhhh...us oldies won the first game. Surprised? Of course not! Actually, Kela had the high score with her bumper/ramp bowling. You go, Girl! :)

Frankie and Michelle won the second game. (It looks like Gabe is a little upset. He and Kendall couldn't do the trick.) It was good that Frankie's team won, because Frankie didn't even want Michelle as his partner. He claimed she was terrible and said he refused to be on her team (LOL), but we told him he HAD to have her, because she is now his eternal companion! Hahaha! He's got his permanent partner from here on out! ;) Michelle thought it was funny!

Hmmmm....it looks like we must not be too old, because I believe we won the third game too!!! Those two wins makes us the champions! However, you know Frankie couldn't go out like that. He still complained that Michelle wasn't any good (HELLO! We doubled her score for you!), so he challenged his dad to a one-on-one!

Ughhhh! Maybe Dad IS getting old! Frankie took him out like he told him he would. Let's see...Hmmmm.... then Brandon wanted in on the action...

Hahaha! Looks like he claims "Mack Dadd' for the day! His partner, Parker, couldn't help him enough in doubles, but when it came to one-one-one, Brandon held his own.Then Brandon and Frankie teamed up against their dad with Parker and came out victorious. They said they never doubted, of course!

Noah played with his friend Chase the whole time and had a blast.

Michelle's family even showed up for some fun.

Afterwards, we went to the Pisciotta's house for our traditional hangout:

There was some serious basketball competition going on--adults against kids--a little rough. Gabriel was fierce and took his beating like a man!

Dad tried to dominate, of course. :)

It's always lots of fun!

Brandon even showed up, which was nice. I didn't think he would make it, but he did! I couldn't convice Frankie to come. He just wanted to play a new game on PS3.

31 May 2010

I was really slack last year and didn't post a lot of things (which I need to include for my personal records). Here is a flashback to last year's Memorial Day celebration: The most important thing to note is that I rolled my HIGHEST GAME EVER in bowling and I beat my husband!!!!! (147...yes!)

Again, we went to the Pisciotta's and the boys had a basketball competition on their court:

Who do you think won????? Do I really need to ask? Okay. You twisted my arm...Dad won....again.

I just love, love, love this picture of my hubby! His expression is so HOT! I have seen this look many times in my life...beautiful. ........ Do you think Noah had a good time? Super, duber fun!

Enjoying my family...LOVE THEM!

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