Monday, June 6, 2011


28 May 2011
We got ready to leave for our night at the Ward Luau. Noah was pretty excited!
I tried to get Kela pumped up too! I decided to wear my mumu instead of a lava lava.
Brandon ended up showing up and made someone really happy! ;)
Frankie and Michelle made it too...which made me happy as well...yay!

Gabriel brought his friend Kendall along too.

I actually didn't get many photos from our luau this year--mainly because it was inside and was put on a little differently than before. This time it was a ward talent show and not sponsored by the youth, so I didn't have as many opportunities to showcase the kids. But since I never posted about our luau last year, here it is. Check out the videos below with Gabriel performing. The youth did a great job in entertaining us (although very amateur haha). I only chose a couple to show (some dances were too long to post, which is a shame they were the BEST ones). They actually did quite a few dances. It was awesome! Then at the end, we had a ward dance (which I posted some videos of my crazy kids).

8 May 2010

Stick Dance

Slap Dance

Brandon & Ashley's Electric Slide

Gabriel's Baby Baby

Noah's Beyonce
Gabriel (the performer)
Brandon chillin'

Noah having a blast on the dance floor.

Kela having fun! (& Frankie showed up for a second)
Me and my Babes (The food was AMAZING! Our Polynesian families do a wonderful job.)

1 comment:

Leigh This Way said...

Your ward has the funest activities!

BTW your "mumu" doesn't look like the typical one. I always think of the big baggy ones that you might wear around the house when you aren't feeling well. Your's is gorgeous!