22 May 2011
Guns, guns, and more guns...
Frankie told his dad he wanted to buy a gun to have in their apartment. Well, his dad said that's fine, but if you don't want to spend the money, come pick one of mine and you can keep it over there for safety. Hmmm...
Honestly, my husband has an arsenal. This is probably not even a
fourth of what he has! My husband thinks that he has to have enough weapons to give a collection to each of his sons...and since he has four boys, he believes he has to have a lot! Plus, he likes to have a variety, and tries to accumulate different ones. It's going to be hard splitting up the guns between the boys to make it fair. Due time. Maybe by the time he gives them their own set, they will have pretty much the same thing. (I hate saying that, because that means more gun purchases...but my hubby loves it and has transferred that love to them too. Ugh)
This is my hubby's favorite: his 30-06. His scope on it costs more than the rifle. He likes to use this to hunt deer. Too bad he hasn't been able to do that since moving here. Frankie and Michelle are planning on taking some guns to shoot and see which one they prefer. They will probably end up with a pistol, maybe the .40 Glock. Michelle actually seems excited.
Um wow. I'm probably one of the few southern republicans that's against guns. I know its all about safety and understanding them but I'm just not comfortable around them. Some people are scared of dogs, others heights, I'm scared of guns and there's nothing you can do to make me comfortable around them.
Well, atleast you're southern, and atleast you're a Republican. ;) You're still super cool in my book! LOL
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