Friday, November 27, 2009

Noah Turns 7

23 Nov 09
Noah was so excited for his birthday this year. He had been counting it down for months. Therefore, when the day came, he was super stoked! He picked out his birthday cake and chose Indiana Jones. I don't why. I don't think he's even seen the movie. I guess he like the way it looked. LOL!!

He's concentrating so hard to get all those candles!!!
Yay! He did it!!!

Yep, I do think it was the toy that lured him to this cake. ;)
Noah's best present was having his Grandma, Pop Cook, and Opa fly in from SC to see him.
He was so excited to see them
He really got treated well by them. They spent lots of time together...just the way he likes it!

1 comment:

Angel said...

It feels so wierd to look at him. I realize I don't even know my own nephew anymore. When was the last time we saw him?