Frank and I have some really fun dates being here in Vegas, but the best dates are always the ones when we get to go to the temple.
FLASHBACK: When we got our assignment to move here 2 1/2 years ago, I cried for two weeks at the thought of raising teenage sons in "Sin City." However, when I google searched Las Vegas to find out about where we would be living, the temple popped up. At that moment, I felt a surge of peace come over me. I knew that it would be okay, because I would have a place of refuge to go to when I needed it. I knew the Lord would be with us in our journey, and from that moment I had faith to move.
I love the way the temple makes me feel. It is by far the most pure and serene place on earth. There is more warmth, love, and peace that is felt there than any other site around.
All the distractions of the world fade away.
It is a calming and beautiful place...
...a place to gain knowledge...
...and a place to gain focus. It is a real gift to be able to go.

I love the way the temple makes me feel. It is by far the most pure and serene place on earth. There is more warmth, love, and peace that is felt there than any other site around.
All the distractions of the world fade away.

Even though you have to raise your teenage boys in "sin city", you are a great Mom and that makes all the difference in the world. I still remember being your VT companion and gaining strength from your faith! Miss ya, Monica
I love going to the temple. Even though we're only 2 hours away, we really don't get to go as often as I would like just for that fact that we usually go to columbia for family functions. Not to busy that the temple is super packed right now since Atlanta is closed, but isn't that how it should be? The temple being packed I mean. We really need to make a concious effort to go every time we go to Columbia. Way to go guys.
What wonderful pictures of you two! The first one especially looks great, very frame-able. Good job getting to the temple!!!
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