Gabriel had his second game, and they played against the Jaguars. They won 38-0. Wow--another great win!!!

Gabriel (#7) huddling with his defense.

Gabriel going in for the kill.

He did very good!

He got a sack!!!

Here's a tackle when they swept to the side.

Look at the sweat. ;)

More tackles!

More sacks!!!

Gabriel getting a congratulatory slap from Coach Tyson.

I'm so proud of my boy! He rocks!!!
What a great captain!
(I wish I could get pictures of all his awesome plays!)
Way to go Gabriel!! and Spartans!
IMPRESSIVE!!!! Yeah, Gabriel!! Only wish we could be there to see you play, but these pictures serve the purpose.....
Love you lots,
Grandma, Pop, and Opa
PS Love the bangs, Marina!
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