Thursday, August 20, 2009

SC Trip--Day 1/Part 3-- Meeting up with the Brothers

We thought we were going to surprise our brothers, but somehow the story got leaked!!! Oh well! Uncle Joe and Rocco greeted us.
(Mary just woke up from a nap.)
Ethen got there (unsurprised, of course).
Uh, yeah, we are complete idiots!
Now the group of us are waiting on Delia to arrive...not a big surprise!!! She is always late! Of course, she didn't know we were there waiting on her. (And the sad thing is that Alex wasn't here either!)
This is what we do for entertainment!
When you have no money, you have to be creative! LOL!
In the meantime, we popped in to say hello to Jordy, our cousin, too.


Angel said...

Thought I'd spill the beans...Rocco didn't know.

Marina said...

Oh, but Rocco DID know!!! Someone opened their mouth...not saying who, but someone did...shameful! So sad, considering it was a short time before. :(

Liz Ann said...

How could you not like our family