Thursday, August 20, 2009

SC Trip-- Day 1/Part 2-- Surprising Liz Ann

Evelyn helped us meet up with Papa and Nanny. They gave us their car to use...
Our first intention in surprising Lizzy was to kidnap her. We thought of doing a faux arrest, since she was living in Charleston, and we were going to bring her to Columbia with us. We were going to arrange to have someone act as a police officer, tell her she was being arrested for alleged psychosis, and endangerment to her children. LOL...Then, we were going to have her delivered to us. Well, that plan didn't work because she ended up moving to Columbia the weekend before we got there on some fluke with her apartment. So...Mary and I devised another plan: give her a treasure hunt where she had to search for a prize, but the kicker was that we would be the prize at the end! We felt since we were her sisters, she would view us as a treasure. Yeah, we think highly of ourselves. LOL. Well, we made some clues, and planted them around Columbia when we landed in the state. Pop helped us get the first clue to Liz Ann. We said, "give us a 15 minute head start, and then give Lizzy her first one." Pop was all game!!!
Clue 1:
Urgent! Urgent! Urgent!
You've got somewhere to be.
There's a BIG surprise for you,
Just you wait and see!
Follow these instructions
Precisely to a tee!
Get yourself ready,
And go to Mickey D's!

Clue 2:
You didn't think
You'd find it HERE.
Come on, girl!
Get into gear!
You've got more searching
Left to do.
Get over to Waffle House
For your next clue.
Clue 3:
Look at you
You're getting good.
I bet you didn't
Think you could.
Want to know
What's left in store?
Go to Ryan's
to learn some more!

Clue 4:
Don't give up
You're almost there.
Put a smile on;
Don't despair.
This surprise
Is really great!
Hop to Krispy Kreme
And don't be late!
Can you tell we were having fun dropping clues off? LOL!
Clue 5:
Hurry! Hurry!
Pick up your pace!
Someone wants
To see your face.
This will be
The last place to go.
Find your treasure
At the back of Zestos!
Oh, boy! The excitement was mounting!!!!

Awww! She had NO idea!!!!

She even started to cry once it really hit her. I love it!!! I'm glad she feels special, because she is!

Sporting her 5 clues! Then, Liz Ann explains what was going through her mind. This is hilarious!...

Haha! She is adorable!
Yes, we love her!!!!

1 comment:

Liz Ann said...

Yall are the best sisters ever!! And sneaky ;) that was definitely a big pick me up. I had forgot all about my problems. I still cant believe that everybody knew about it but me