Thursday, August 20, 2009

SC Trip--Day 1/Part 4-- Surprising Delia!!! and Emry!

It took Delia ALL day to get to Pop's house. She didn't show up until late evening. When she walked in and saw us, she was in total awe!!! Her shock was priceless!
Too bad we caught her with food in her mouth. LOL!
Mary started jumping for joy for getting her so good!
Delia didn't know what to say!
She was in such disbelief.
She was like, "what!?"
We loved seeing her face!

This is my celebration dance. LOL!

I totally forgot to have the video out to record Delia's reaction, so I reenacted what she looked like myself...It was hilarious!!!

Then Emry showed up even later.
She thought she was bringing her new car over to show everyone...
No! She was getting to see us! LOL
She was SO happy to see us, as were we to see her!!!

1 comment:

Liz Ann said...

I can't believe it took them so long to get over. I had to bribe Delia to come over...if they only knew what was in store