Sunday, May 24, 2009

Quest 5: Doing It All (Blogging Anniversary)

Leigh This Way said...
Alright. So I've got a question. How in the world do you juggle it all. School, work, a family and everything else that goes on in your life. I'm just dealing with school, work and a dog & husband and I feel stretched to the max! I don't see how I could possibly do it all and yet you do. HOW?!

Well, Abigail, the truth is I CAN'T do it all. I fall short daily. I do what I can, and I give everything my best effort, but in the end there is always a gap, things left undone, and elements of my life inadequately accomplished. Thankfully, though, God tends to make my best efforts enough, no matter what that is (as he does for everyone when they try). Fortunately, the Lord fills all of the gaps, and I rely on that fact continually. I know that God has my back, and things just work out. It may not work out the way I invision it, but nonetheless, it works, often times better than I had planned. I love that the Lord accepts what I can do, and considers it enough, and then takes care of the rest. It's a wonderful phenomenon indeed.

I was at the temple this past week for a stake meeting, and one of the workers explained to us a simple truth: Water at 211 degrees is very, very hot, but water at 212 degrees boils. When it boils, it releases steam, which has enough force to power an engine. ONE simple degree makes the difference between having that power or not. ONE degree is the means to make something weak become strong. ONE degree ignites potential to reality. ONE degree pushes the ordinary to extraordinary.

Likewise, in our lives, we are often on that border. We are choosing whether to remain complacent, or execute more within us. Often times, it only takes ONE more degree of effort on our part, ONE more degree of action, ONE more extension of application to push us over the edge, to inherit the power of God, which will enable us to succeed. However, sometimes we stop at the edge, and don't follow through. Heavenly Father wants our best. When we give it to Him, He is there for us. He helps us. He fills our gaps. Even we fall short, and we are inadequate...Even when we don't measure up completely...Even when we are juggling everything and feel like we're not doing enough...if it's our best, it IS enough. God becomes the threshold of boiling. HE powers us. He blesses our efforts. He gives us strength. I LOVE that fact!!!

(BTW, I twisted this analogy to fit this situation. They actually talked about giving a little extra effort of service to make a difference for someone else...which is a great lesson too.)
Abigail, life can become insanely taxing, but if you do what you can, and do it to the best of your ability, it WILL be enough. Endure to the end, and you'll be amazed at the help, blessings, and power you will receive along the way. =)

Time's almost up. Any more questions?

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