Saturday, May 23, 2009

Quest 4: Fave Sister (Blogging Anniversary)

Mary McDonald said...
Ok, so I forgot to ask you a question...Here goes:"Who is your favorite sister? Hint, hint, she'll be 30 this year!" LOL Love you, unless you give the wrong answer... ;P

Nice! LOL!!! Well, if I must answer this question, then...y'all can all kiss my behind! I don't like any of you..................especially you, Mary............Let's bailed on our trip to SC. You won't come visit me in Vegas. You harass me almost daily! You insult my leave me nasty comments.........Hmmmm....What else?...LOL...I don't even think I should like you, much less you be my favorite. LOL!.....Hahahahaha!!!!............Nah, anyone who really knows me, knows I am completely kidding...

In all seriousness, though, I believe I have the greatest family on this earth. I love each and every one of my siblings with more intensity than anything else. We all bond. We all enjoy each other's company, and connect in beautiful ways. None of us fight. We truly have a special family! It is THE GREATEST!

However, I think everyone knows by now that, besides my hubby, Mary is my best friend. We talk a few times a week, and share so many personal stories with one another. Mary makes me laugh, and keeps my spirit alive. I love her to death! That's why I won't go back to SC without her! Mary and I keep in touch more than any other. We tend to keep each other grounded. Consequently, Mary makes my husband so jealous. ;) It's so funny! He gets figidity when she calls. Hahahahahaha! It's because I drop everything for her. Actually, I do that with all of my family, but Mary just calls substantially more, so he cringes when the phone rings from her. Hahahaha! He does love her, though, despite that fact!

Delia and Liz Ann are my other sisters. They are awesome too, but for some reason we just don't talk as much. When we are around each other, we have the best times ever! We are super close and would do anything for the other. We can discuss anything, if need be. However, we just don't make a huge effort to talk real often. I don't know why. It just happens to be that way. On the other hand, Mary and I don't let time lapse without communicating. We're always up in each other's business. We have to bounce ideas off of each other all the time. :) We make a great team! ____________________
So there you go, Mary! Thanks for the question. I'll be expecting my check in the mail this week. I answered it just the way you told me to...LOL!


Liz Ann said...

Yes, we do have fun. Can't wait for y'all to get here. I'm bored and I know y'all would liven things up for me.

Leigh This Way said...

Alright. So I've got a question. How in the world do you juggle it all. School, work, a family and everything else that goes on in your life. I'm just dealing with school, work and a dog & husband and I feel stretched to the max! I don't see how I could possibly do it all and yet you do. HOW?!

Mary McDonald said...

OK, since I'm your favorite sister, I know you can't get mad at me if I have to cancel our SC trip AGAIN...! - Jim said it's not going to be possible, work has cut all their vacation until Sept. I won't have anyone to watch the kids. Ugh!!!!!!!!

However, on a brighter note...You're MY Fave too. Who else let's me "eat" her hair. What is up with that pic?! LOL

Ditto, to everything you said. Jim gets just as "irritated" as Frankie. He's like 'What do y'all talk about for an hour and a half!?' LOL - They don't get it.

I love you and ALL my family. We'll have to shoot for December in SC...