Friday, May 15, 2009

Goynes Spring Carnival

Goynes Elementary School had their Spring Carnival tonight. They showcased a Western theme. Of course, Noah and I had to sport our school spirit so we dressed to impress! This is us trying to be tough.

... and criminal. LOL!

Dad drove up on his motorcycle as we were leaving, so I hopped on behind him to get a shot with my real cowboy!

We arrived and immediately ate (hamburgers). We were starving!

Then we went off to the games (tons of them).

Noah even got to race his teacher.
Mrs. Canaff was gracious in the competition and let him win.

Noah had so much fun on the train!
It was tremendously hot. I was glad when our tickets ran out so I could get out of the heat. I had been sick the night before, so the temperature was getting to me. I'm glad Noah could enjoy himself. Thanks PTA for the great night!


Anonymous said...

Looks like fun and I LOVE the "tough" and "criminal" pictures! I hope you are feeling better!

Leigh This Way said...

Looks like so much fun. My school never did stuff like that. You are such a fun mom!

Pamela said...

What a great idea! Very creative PTA!!! You are such a great Mom! I loved the "costumes". :)

Liz Ann said...

Ha! I thought his teacher was you, and then I read the caption. Oops. Sounds like y'all had lots fun. I hope the schools here will have cool things like that to do

Mary Beth said...

how fun. I can't wait for Jackson and Maizeigh to have fun school activities.