Saturday, May 16, 2009

Boys Will Be Boys--Guns!

The boys had been itching to go shoot some of their weapons. They rode out into the desert with one of Frank's buddies and had some fun! Frankie with his Dad's AR-15. Dad with his Glock .40. Gabriel with his Daddy's AK-47.
Frankie with Gabriel's Winchester .243 rifle.

(Notice the oxygen tanks on the ground. They were blowing them up. When the AK-47 hit one, it shot up about a 100-150 yards in the air, and had a significant explosion. It melted the tank down. The boys thought that was soooo cool! They were glad the tank didn't come flying in their direction, or hit one of their vehicles. They said next time they need to make sure they stand back further. It was quite a show!)

Frankie shooting the Glock .40.
Gabriel shooting Doc's Magnum.

Doc and Frank with their weapons.
Brandon had to stay home and babysit since I was in school. He'll get to go on the next trip.


Libbi said...

I think I would have enjoyed that!! I used to shoot with my Daddy and Granddaddy many years ago...wonder if I still can? Y'all be careful out there!!!

Liz Ann said...

I'm usually not into guns, but I'm starting to think it might not be to bad to learn how to shoot one.

Good Father-Son outing

Mary Beth said...

Kevin will love to see these pics

Boren Family said...

I love how boys have fun and I love shooting the AR-15. Not sure why but it's awesome. Do you like shooting? If so, we should all go. It would be fun!

Brigg and Dianne said...

Sounds fun! We haven't been shooting in a while. We always compete to see who is a better shot. Of course, I am. :)