Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Late Anniversary Date

Frank and I's anniversary fell during my finals week earlier this month, so I refused to do anything to celebrate. (I didn't want to get distracted from my studies.) However, we took time out tonight to go to the movies. Actually, we were going to see Jersey Boys at the Palazzo last night, but Frank got sick (so we're going to go next week instead). Therefore, as an alternative, we went and saw Wolverine. I had been anticipating seeing this movie for a while because I am a HUGE X-Men fan. I loved it! Hugh Jackman is amazing!
Before going to the theatre, though, we went to the park and took some pictures.

Me and the love of my life!

The man that makes me smile and laugh.

The one who still excites me!
And, the one I plan on sharing eternity with.


Mary McDonald said...

Ok, if you're going to take pictures...at least coordinate a little. Those colors don't look good together. LOL But y'all look cute.

Sooooo, Wolverine, WAS good? Or was Hugh Jackman, just "hot?"

Liz Ann said...

Wolverine! I sooo want to see that movie

Marina said...

Okay, Mary, I changed the color of my shirt just for you. Don't you just LOVE photoshop? LOL!

April said...

That is SO sweet it's sickening! ;-)

House of Squitty said...

So cute, I love that y'all got Frankie to take these pics...what a good sport!

Leigh This Way said...

Love the pics! I'm hoping we'll get to see Wolverine on memorial day but we'll have to see. Glad you enjoyed it because I'm a HUGE X-men fan too. I use to run home from the bus stop (in middle school!) to catch it at 4:30! (Can you tell that secretly I was a huge dork!) ;)

Mary Beth said...

i love how y'all always look like y'all just got married - like you ALWAYS look like y'all are completly utterly in love!

Pamela said...

I love the pictures!!! You are both such an inspiration for marital bliss!