Thursday, May 14, 2009

Brandon's 17th--Thoughtful Friends

While Brandon was at work last night, Austrie, Kiffyn, and Billy came by and decorated Brandon's room for his birthday. They had to do it the night before his bid day, since they were not going to be able to see him otherwise. They worked hard at getting everything just right, then realized that they were running out of time before Brandon were to arrive home. They hadn't planned on staying, but since he was about to come in, they hid in his closet for a surprise. When Brandon entered the house, it took a little effort to get him to go to his room. After finally coaxing him in there, he entered and immediately yelled, "Kiffyn!!! Kiffyn!!!! OMG!!! Kiffyn!!!" (now granted, Kiffyn and the rest had not jumped out yet...He just knew she was behind it.) Then, suddenly, they all piled out yelling, "Surprise!" LOL! Brandon was about to die! He was so grateful for such good friends. The crew finishing up their job. The balloon with the frowny face said, "Brandon without friends like us." And, the other side of the balloon had a smiley face which read, "Brandon with friends like us."

I have to agree too. Every time Brandon speaks of Kiffyn or Billy he has a BIG smile on his face. They are his best friends!
Feeling the love!Brandon reading the notes on his wall.Brandon reading Billy's personal note.


Brandon enjoying his balloons.

Brandon in disbelief for what his friends had done for him.
Brandon is surrounded by good people! Thanks guys for making his night!


Ranee J Fratangelo said...

Brandon has GREAT friends!

Leigh This Way said...

Its awesome that he's got such great friends!

nicole said...

awwww that's cute!! happy birthday brandon!!

Unknown said...

That's awesome. They really went all out. Gotta love those cute friends of his!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Brandon! Awesome friends!

Heather said...

I still can't get over how much older your boys look! They are slowly turning into men right before my very eyes! Wow. Happy Birthday to Brandon. I sure do miss y'all! I'm so happy to hear that he's surrounded by loving friends.

libbi said...

WOW!!! What fun! and great job kids!!

Liz Ann said...

Oooo another BALLOON party!!! Glad you have some good friends.

Mary Beth said...

that is so cute