Sunday, April 26, 2009

Kela Getting Clever!

Those who know Kela, know that she picks up on certain phrases and sticks with them. She will say them over, and over, and over (almost like terets). Well, she loves to say shut up. Consequently, I'm constantly telling her to stop. She irritates me to no end with this habit. Well, this morning when we were getting ready for church, Kela yells to Noah, "Shut up!" Of course, you have to know Kela's way of saying it to truly appreciate this. Anyway, when I heard her, I immediately reprimanded her in a irritated voice, "Kela!" She responded to me quickly by giggling, "Hehehe...Kidding!" I about died! I started laughing so hard! She cracked me up with her little devious comeback. Boy, has she been around her brothers too long! Kela is becoming so clever!


Tara said...

I have always known Kela was a clever little girl...she knew how to work me over from day one!

Leigh This Way said...

Hahaha! I guess she's also learned how to keep from getting into trouble! =)

Mikelene said...

Her comeback had me laughing, too. Clever girl indeed!

Pamelia said...

That was so funny!! I laughed out loud in class. The kids just looked at me.

nicole said...

speaking of your kids and the funny things they say... tyler had a funny conversation with noah at church on sunday...
here's how that went:
noah: is that your baby?
tyler: ya, do you have a baby?
noah: no
tyler: why not?
noah: because my mom already had all of her kids. what's your baby's name?
tyler: oh, this is carter, what's your name?
noah replied with his full name
tyler: what's your favorite name?
noah: i like wolfe w-o-l-f-e wolfe


and then after church tyler over heard him telling another boy i know karate, i will beat you down!
and tyler said it was absolutely hilarious because of his accent. and every time he tells me the story he has to say it with noah's accent! haha

Marina said...

Nicole, you know what you have to look forward to when Carter gets a little bigger! :)

Liz Ann said...

She is such a sweetie. That girl always makes me laugh.