Friday, April 24, 2009

VERY late birthday celebration!

My hubby's birthday is in December. Consequently, four months ago my darling received a TGIF gift certificate from one of his friends. However, because of our busy lives, my baby hadn't been able to use it until just last night. Frank decided to take me out on a date with him to celebrate. LOL! It was nice being able to pull away and relax. We didn't hardly speak at all, though, because we were both extremely exhausted. For us, that is really weird and rare (not talking). We usually have lots to say, but last night we just chilled. We were pretty sluggish.

After returning home, and settling into bed, my hubby told me how happy he was with me, elaborating on his comfort level with our relationship (as he often does). He added to this, "I live to try to be worthy of you." Awwww! I don't know what it is, but my sweetheart always says the right thing at just the moment I need it. It really gave me an added measure of desire to be a good person. If he is living to be worthy of me, then I need to be a worthy person to live for. I really felt a tremendous peace about his words. He always has the perfect words, the perfect gestures, the perfect insights into my life. He has tenderly encircled me again with his companionship. I am so blessed! I love him with ALL my heart! He is my strength. He is everything to me.


Liz Ann said...

Maybe he was giving you the silent treatment on the date so he could think of the right words to say to you when he got home. Just in time to get some more "nookie" hahaha

Just kidding...Frankie you are a sweetie

Leigh This Way said...

I'm glad y'all were able to go out and spend some time together. Preston and I are always talking when we're together because we usually only end up spending a few hours together each day because of our schedules.

I was thinking the same thing Liz Ann! Cause we all know what is one of the #1 thing on men's minds.

Marina said...

LOL...Y'all have no idea ;) He actually popped an ambian and went straight to sleep. He never tried to come onto me at all. I told you we were tired! Besides, my baby doesn't have to play mind games with me. All he has to do is ask. :) My hubby is WELL taken care of.

nicole said...

awwww your husband is the sweetest! i seriously want to send mine to your house with a notepad and paper and tell him to take notes!! lol

Unknown said...

Yay, I'm so glad I found your blog. I've loved reading and getting to know your wolfe pack better. I especially got a kick out of some of your first couple comments on this post. You guys are a cute couple with an awesome family!