Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Easter Egg Hunt

Easter is the biggest holiday for our family. We have some major fun on this day! However, this year we were unable to make it back to SC to celebrate because of school schedules. Fortunately, though, some friends got together and had an egg hunt here. It wasn't like a Del Priore HO down, but it was a little bit of something for Noah to enjoy regardless.The line up! It's on!!!!

Oooooo.....a BIG egg!

The ego setting in! Oh, yeah! LOL

Noah had a really good time hunting eggs, although he didn't find any of his spongebob ones that he had brought, so that disappointed him a little. :( We had time to play at the park too. WooHoo!

Furthermore, those who know me well, know that I love the outdoors. I love nature, and I love plants! I was so excited that this week my iceplants bloomed! They stretch all across my front yard. They have just the right touch of color, and put a smile on my face every time I walk outside. (The Vegas valley is so brown, that having fresh flowers to greet you really rejuvenates the spirit.) I love the Spring! I even had to buy some colorful pillows for my chairs outside. It just makes me feel better! :)


Rebekah Del Priore said...

Awww I'm gonna miss you this Easter, but I m glad Little Noah had a blast hunting eggs.

Brigg and Dianne said...

I'm sad we missed it! I feel like I can't be everywhere at once sometimes.
Your flowers look beautiful! I have NO green thumb. Every time I have bought a plant, it dies so quickly.

House of Squitty said...

Look at you all sassy with your posing! I love the pillows. ;)