Monday, April 6, 2009

Frank Returns from SC

Frank felt inclined to fly to SC this past week. His best friend, Cooter, had an unexpected death in his family (brother), and of course my hubby wanted to be by his side during this trying time. Becuase it was a last minute flight, ticket prices were costly. Fortunately, my hubby knows people who work at the airlines, so was able to puchase an employee ticket at discount price. Unfortunately, though, he had to go standby. Leaving Vegas was not a hassle. However, it posed a problem as he was trying to return home. He got dropped off in Charlotte, then flew to Philadelphia and got stuck over night. Luckily, my brother lives there and was able to pick him up. The next day he headed to Boston, where he was able to catch a flight to Vegas. Finally, after two days of airport stress, he made it back to his family.You can tell he's happy to be off the plane!I picked him up ALONE so I could spend some time with him before the kids ambushed him! Our car ride home was extremely nice!!!

Frank only brought back one gift...and that was for Noah. Noah had been pleading his dad for a Gamecock jersey for quite some time, since all his brothers have some.Noah was super stoked to finally receive his much desired gear!

Can't you tell?

Also, today was Frankie's birthday. He turned 19. He was a little disappointed that his dad didn't get back in time to eat Buffalo Wild Wings with him, and watch the game like they had planned. It seems that something always happens on his birthday. (We've actually moved three times on that exact date, among other's become quite the joke that Frankie's always getting slighted.) He takes it well, though. We'll be celebrating in a different way later in the week. Things just didn't work out as we had hoped.

Happy birthday, anyway, Son! I love you!!!!


Leigh This Way said...

Wow! Frank sure did take the long way home ;) Happy Birthday Frankie!

Leigh This Way said...

I think they wouldn't let him on the plane because of the Carolina shirt. GO DAWGS!!

Tara said...

So glad your hubby is home to snuggle with.

State of Grace said...

I love that your boys are gamecock fans, even when they are so far away!!