Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Frankie Turns 19

Never send a man to get birthday cake. My hubby spent $40 on two tiny Baskin Robbins icecream cakes: one was a Disney Cars theme (for a 19 yr old), and the other was a St. Patty's clover (it's April)!!! Seriously!?
In his defense he said, "I know that Frankie's favorite icecream is mint chocolate chip, and these were the only two cakes that had that flavor, so I got 'em." I guess men ARE practical thinkers! LOL! How did Frankie feel about it? He didn't care. He laughed when he saw the clover! Of course, he is used to having screwed up birthdays. His 16th bday cake was pink, for heaven's sake, and he had to bake it himself. He's a good sport, fortunately.Frankie is loved, though. Here are his siblings surrounding him, minus Brandon (who was at work). Frankie thought it would be nice to let Kela help him blow out his candles. She really enjoyed that. Lately, Kela has been super affectionate toward Frankie. She's starting to find joy in his company. :) We always have to get a picture with our kids on their birthdays. So, here's our shot. Unfortunately, my hubby didn't have any patience to keep retaking pics, so we had to settle with this one, even though it's not that great.
A tribute to Frankie:


You have been a blessing to our family from the very beginning. Because of your birth into this world, you have helped me to become a better person. I knew that I wanted to influence you in the right way, and be a stong mother. In order to do that, I had to make changes within myself. Your presence inspired me to correct and alter who I was, so that I could in turn bless you. We have made a great team, I think. You've helped me, and I'd like to think that I've helped you along the way as well. You are truly a blessing.
You have a cheery disposition, and you always make me smile. Your witty remarks and clever ideas bring warmth to my soul. You are quick to assist me in my requests, and that always makes me proud. Your desire to follow after righteousness has always been a worthy endeavor, and I know that you'll be able to accomplish this goal as long as you stay focused. Moreover, you are a very capable person, and I love the spiritual gifts that you possess. You have many talents and abilities that you freely share with others. Furthermore, I respect that you serve, and care for your family and fellowman. I pray that you will always feel that tenderness within you. You are the oldest, thus have a great responsibility placed on your shoulders to set a good example. You will always be accountable for your siblings under your stewardship. No matter how old you get, you will be responsible to help them in any way you can. That is your unique heritage, as all the other patriarchs who came before you. You are strong in mind and spirit, and I know that you are up for the task. You are a latter-day warrior, and I have confidence that you will live up to your divine mission in life. Stay strong. Stay valiant. Remember your worth. You are a precious son of God!

I love you, baby!



Leigh This Way said...

I see the reasoning behind Frank's decision but why 2? Was the cars one not enough?

Marina said...

Two, because they were small.

House of Squitty said...

I love the 2 cakes, too funny. I once spent that amount of money on one cake from baskin robbins but it sure was good! Looks like he had a good birthday.

Carla said...

In Frankies defense I did the same thing last week for Chyna's birthday. I went to Baskin Robbins for a cake and had to get the ugliest one there because it was the only one with mint chip ice cream in it. I had a good coupon though! haha

Heather said...

Wow! I can't believe he's already 19! I still remember helping watch him. What wonderful young men you and big Frankie are raising! They are all so sweet and handsome. Kela is getting SO big! Wow. Ashlyn says she remembers her. =)