Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Mom and Noah at the Park

I finally reduced my hours at work, and now have extra time during the week. Therefore, I took advantage of it and took Noah to the park today. We had a good time together.
Notice the bird overhead. Is that not cool?Noah is thrilled that spring has arrived!
Because I kept getting on the ground, I left with bird and duck poo all over me. If you have not been to Vegas, let me inform you that there are pigeons EVERYWHERE. It's hard to get around them. It can be quite annoying. Anyway, I loved being outside. It felt refreshing.


Leigh This Way said...

WOW! What a park! It looks awesome. Great pics! Noah has gotten so big.

Tara said...

You have got to be one of the most photogenic people I know. Love the pics!

Rebekah Del Priore said...

I love the picture of Noah with his hands up and mouth wide open. I'm happy that you finally got more time to spend time with your family. There is nothing better!!!
Hey? You should ask Evelyn if she would fly Noah to SC??? Vince has been asking about him since the video. Just a thought? love ya

Mary McDonald said...

That's the perfect place to take your family photo! Hint Hint...

Angel said...

You are so good at getting pics of yourself. Noah looks happy!

Brigg and Dianne said...

How awesome to have some one on one time with Noah! Also that pic with the bird is awesome!

State of Grace said...

hey! i found you from the Delpriore's page, and just wanted to say hey! The South is sad without you and your sweet family, but you guys all look great! (and i still can't believe you have all those kids and look ridiculously gorgeous!)

take care!