Sunday, March 22, 2009


We had a fireside tonight that Brandon had a part in. It was about temple work, entitiled "Do You Have My Name." Brandon did SO well! His part made me cry because his character didn't have anyone to do his temple work for him, and therefore, he was sad, which made me sad! I was very proud of how he performed. It was very good.My older boys surrounding me. Awww!!!! They DO love me! Brandon with one of his biggest fans: Logan Pickup.
Frankie took time to play me a song that he has been practicing. (My Heart Will Go On) He's only been playing piano for about a month, and is picking it up fast. He only had minimal mistakes. Yay! Since he mainly does guitar, this is a step for him.His musical talents amaze me. He definitely didn't get it from his Mama!

Be sure to hit the HD's much clearer...After the video, it will show you other links to performances by Frankie with his can check those out too...


Rebekah Del Priore said...

That sounds like a good fireside. I miss going to them. And you all look great! xoxo

Brigg and Dianne said...

Look at you! What a fun time with your boys!

Heather said...

I had no idea that Frankie could play instruments! I'm so impressed. You're boys look like young men. Wow how different they look in the small amount of time since I last saw them. Y'all seem to be doing well so that's great. I hope y'all are plannin' another trip to SC soon, we'd love to see y'all!

Lenny and Amanda said...

You have done such an exceptional jo at raising good priesthood holding men!!! My wish is that I can raise my children just like you!! What are your secrets?! And Frankie... YOu are amazing!! What a great talent you have please stick with it!!

Mary McDonald said...

Those are great pics of you and the boys!

Anonymous said...

Frankie I a wonderful piano player.Mommy just told me he just played and his is very very good. Love,KateLynn

Pugliani Family said...

WOW! I am so impressed by Frankie's playing. And he has only been playing for a month? That is incredible! Ya'll look great!