Monday, April 11, 2011

Frankie's Birthday Dinner

10 March 2011

Frankie turned 21 this past week. We tried to get everyone together to celebrate, but our schedules just didn't allow it. Consequently, we decided to have a dinner for him on Sunday instead. We thought it would be nice to invite Michelle's family over to join us. This would be our first time meeting them, so we felt this would be as good of time as any. We had already eaten red velvet cake on Frankie's birthday, so we opted to have "birthday banana pudding" instead (per Frankie's request). It was a good choice...yum!

We brought it out after our special meal. Frankie chose to have flank steak, red skin mashed potatoes, velveeta macaroni and cheese, green beans, and french loaf bread...and I threw in some cabbage as well. Of course, Kela was excited when she saw the birthday candles, although there was only three of know 2 and 1...21. LOL! Frankie was skilled and got them ALL out...which means his wish will come true.
Hmmmm....I wonder if his wish involves Michelle?
Michelle's family was a pure pleasure. We sat around and told stories and got to know each other a little. Even the Bautista's learned more about their dad. He told stories about himself that they didn't even know. It was funny. Frankie was very pleased with the evening, and we can't wait to grow closer together as we become The night was great! =)

These pics were taken a few weeks ago at the Bautista's anniversary dinner (before the engagement):

I can't believe my baby is about to get married...oh, they set the date for July 9th.


Leigh This Way said...

I'm so happy for Frankie. Its still hard for me to believe that he's old enough to get married!

Carla said...

Wow congratulations on raising a great man and on becoming a mother in law soon.