Thursday, March 31, 2011

Cub Scout Day Camp

24-26 March 2011

Noah had his first Cub Scout Day Camp and loved it! Thankfully, he happened to have it on the week that I was off for Spring Break, so I was able to take some pictures. I volunteered to help out each day and I was happy to do so. The theme for Day Camp was "Cub Scouts of the Roundtable." Everything was set up to be midieval. They got to shoot BB guns, do archery, train with catapults, build things with tools, make swords and shields, imprint on leather, cook over coals with Friar Tuck, watched Merlin do magic, used armor to learn of protection, made a birdhouse, had music lessons, listened to stories, learned teamwork games... ran through an obstacle course with a Jester... learned about raptors and got to see them up close and watch them fly. Among the birds that they saw were a falcon, owl, and an eagle. (They had other birds, too, but these were my best shots.) They also watched some people do fencing and learned about that sport. However, I left early that night, because I had a date with my hubby. ;) The last day the boys got "knighted" and received a medallion.
I'm glad my boy let me hang out with him a bit. I'm SO glad I was out of school for it. =)
Even Noah's dad was able to join in for a day. This is him during Magic Merlin. He was embarrassed of his son for a moment. LOL. The lady playing Merlin was telling the boys during her show how important it was for scouts to be honest. Noah says, "Well, I'm gonna be totally honest...your magic is aweful!" Hahahaha! He was sooo serious! The lady was quick on her feet and said, "Well, I'm glad you're being honest." and went straight back to her tricks. Wow! Can you tell Noah is the younger brother of older boys? Dad told him to sit down and not be rude. However, his scout leaders thought it was one of the funniest things of the camp.

Oh, yeah! Welcome to my world!!!

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