Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Noah Lost His Tooth!!!

28 March 2011

Well, after a couple of weeks, Noah's tooth became more and more mobile. He was anxious for it to drop out, and because it was pretty wiggly, I took a photo of it before he left for school that day. However, by the time he made it home, he had already yanked it out. He said it didn't hurt at all and never felt a thing. =) The school gave him a little tooth necklace to put his tooth in, so Noah was pretty excited! When I got home he told me had something to show me...
Whalah!!!! Hahahaha! Awww! Noah is officially growing up.

(He's getting in his 1st molars and he's lost his first tooth.) How adorable is my little Snaggle??? LOL...well, not too adorable since he's trying to wheel and deal me out of big money. He thinks he deserves $10 for this beauty. He told me he would brush it and get it all shiny and then I would like it more and it would be worth the asking price. Hahahaha! What a little snake! I know I'm old and haven't done this in a while, but I'm pretty sure $10 is not the going rate, even if it's a pretty little tooth. Wow! What a booger!


Leigh This Way said...

$10!! I didn't think inflation had affected the price of a tooth that much! I only got $1

Brigg and Dianne said...

Uh oh! The days of tooth extortion! Better hit the ATM!