Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Frankie's ENGAGED!!!!

27 March 2011

A little blurry... So Frankie went and bought this ring about a month ago. He had decided that he wanted to marry Michelle and he wanted to be prepared. He has been so happy since meeting her, and figured that he should settle down, because he loves her so much. Both of them had talked about marriage many times, but Michelle kept telling him not to ask her yet, because she wanted to wait a little longer. She happened to see the "ring box" and knew it was coming.

Well, their Single's Ward had conference on Sunday, and every talk and lesson was on marriage. Their Stake President specifically exhorted the men to be actively working to find a spouse, not have long courtships, but settle down and get married. Additionally, when I got home from church, I set Frankie and Michelle down to talk to them about what to look for in a spouse by disecting the Family Proclamation (not knowing about what Frankie had already heard previously). It was just a prompting that I felt I needed to speak to them about, not really knowing why. This was the first time that I had actually spoken to them about their relationship and offered wisdom on the situation. We actually had a really good conversation. Then my husband came down and added a few thoughts too. Well, apparently because of the many things that Frankie heard that day, he took it as a sign that he should go ahead and propose to Michelle. He foregoed all of his "romantic" plans on how to ask her, and just expressed his love for her and spontaneously asked her to marry him (spontaneous in the sense of the day he chose). She said YES!I had no idea any of this was going on. As a matter of fact, Frankie did it at our house with us all home, but we were unaware until Frankie came pulling me out of my room and said, "Mom!!! Mom!!! Michelle and I are in engaged!" I responded suspiciously, "What? Are you really?" He insisted, "Yes! We are! I'm serious." OMG!!! Well, that is crazy (I'm thinking in my head), because Michelle had left our house earlier, though apparently came back, because she left her phone behind. Frankie couldn't hold back any longer and asked her to be his wife. I came downstairs and greeted the two of them looking all blissful. So, of course, I'm like "Let me get my camera! I've got to take a picture of this moment!

...and what a great moment that was...realizing my children are growing up into men, becoming independent and ready to take flight on their won. Yes, yes, yes, I'm proud of that. =) Welcome to the family Michelle!!!

(this pic was taken the night before...Frankie being all goofy!)


April said...

That is wonderful news! I'm so happy for them!

Ranee J Fratangelo said...

wow, yay, should I feel old?

Unknown said...

Wow! So exciting. Congrats to the adorable couple!

Mary McDonald said...

Yay, congratulations to Frankie! I feel old right now, so you must feel ancient! LOL

Leigh This Way said...

Oh Wow! Congrats Frankie! =)

Liz Ann said...

I was stocked to get get the phone call. But I really wasn't that surprised. Thats all they talked about when they were here visiting.

Heather said...

Aw! Congrats! Y'all have done an extraordinary job with your children.

Great day to get engaged too! That's mine and Kenneth's Anniversary! :)