Thursday, April 14, 2011

13 April 2011

The youth had a talent show and, as leaders, we performed a lip sinc dance for the girls. We dressed in crazy 80's style and sang Pretty Girl Rock. During the chorus when it says,

"Don't hate me 'cause I'm beautiful.
Don't hate me 'cause I'm beautiful.
My walk, my talk, the way I dress..."
We held up signs representing the things that make girls beautiful as reminders to them as to things of value. For example, "Walk TALL," "talk VIRTUOUSLY," and "dress MODESTLY."

Kim started things out... She rocked out the part, "My name is Kerri. I'm so very..."
Then Cassidy took center stage... with "Pretty as a picture. Sweeter than a swisher..." Then our ensemble chorus presented its cool moves. Then I totally bombed my lyrics of "If you're looking for me, you can catch me Cameras flashing..." LOL! Thankfully, it was LIP SYNC! hahahaha! Erin performed "Get yourself together don't hate. Jealousy is the ugliest trait..." Then it was back to the chours. ( I love Danell's big glasses and Melissa's neon green. =) ) What a crazy night!!! And, there's a video out there somewhere...scary!

I told my hubby that I was glad he still loved me even though I was embarrasing...his response........"Hunny, I've been dealing with you doing that for 21 years. I'm not gonna stop now." Hmmmm....Okay, I guess it's true. I've done quite a few embarrasing things with my babe on the sidelines watching. ;) Hahaha Thanks for always being there for me!

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