Thursday, April 14, 2011

Dental Hygiene & Perspective

14 April 2011

School is coming along, and I'm learning all kinds of things. It's interesting when we go to perio lab, because we get to work on each other outside of our clinic. We've done some cool things, but we've also done some pretty awful things. See...we get to play clinician AND patient. The worse thing so far has been air jet polishing...nasty...and painful. It feels like you're getting cleaned with a sand storm (and the taste is super salty). No joke! I do NOT want to do this to a real patient, but some people NEED it for hard stains. Yuck! I just know to try to do it as fast as possible to get it over with! Here I am fixing the occlusion of a sealant that I placed. Yes, this was my very first one on a real person. =) I put too much in, so I'm having to grind down the surface of it. It's amazing that a millimeter can cause so much irritation to someone's bite. However, I can't lie...this tool is pretty cool. I'm glad I made the mistake so I could use it. Hahaha! Smile for the camera. (Yes, I AM smiling underneath all of my gear!) Here my friend Kelly is placing sealants on ME! It's awesome to get to see what it feels like from the patient's perspective. It's a whole another experience! I'm about to get UV rays...I told them to crank it up and give me a tan instead of just putting it on my teeth. Perspective is a very interesting thing! I think how spiritually it makes all the difference in the world. As a family we have been studying stories from the Old Testament. Our most recent story has been that of Job. You know, one of the main reasons Job could endure the trials that he did was all because of the eternal perspective that he had. He was able to get through tremendous difficulty by keeping his thoughts, mind, and actions in the proper perspective. It's a great reminder to me to think clearly about things and keep my mind focused on what the Lord sees...a more whole and complete of clarity. Yes, proper perspective is a gift, and I'm always glad when Heavenly Father shares a piece of it with me. =)


Leigh This Way said...

My dentist only does the blaster thing unless you've got some kind of issue. Like I had a really bad caneker (sp) sore one time and couldn't use it so they went and found the old paste stuff to use. I acutally prefer the blaster stuff cause I feel like it gets my teeth cleaner and its quicker! ;) Keep having fun!

Brigg and Dianne said...

You go! What an awesome experience all of this must be! Keep up the hard work!