Monday, July 26, 2010

Carly's Baptism

13 February 2010
Brandon had his first baptism. It was a very special day, because Brandon was able to bring his girlfriend into the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Carly had taken the discussions from the missionaries in our home. It was an experience that helped bring us closer together. Through our conversations in this atmosphere, Carly and I came to know each other more intimately, and I will always value that time that we spent together. It's always nice to be able to bear testimony of truths, especially to those you care deeply about. I loved sharing insight with her. I hope that Carly will remain true to the covenants that she made on this day, because I know it will bless her tremendously. Having the Holy Ghost as a constant companion is a gift that brings peace and happiness in all difficult situations. When the storms of life come, He is there to see us through by guiding and inspiring us. As we live worthy of his companionship, He will be there.
Carly was very happy that her mother, brother, and sister-in-law came. It was good to have their support.
We were very happy that our son was able to participate in such a wonderful ordinance. It was very humbling.

After the services, we went and ate at The Cracked Egg.
It's one of Carly's family's favorite places. =)
Apparently, it's pretty popular, because we had to wait around before we could be seated.
In our spare time, Lizzy decided to tell the story of our Hoover Dam experience where I almost hit her in the face. LOL! (Yes, I was paranoid of heights!!!)

Okay, here are our GQ shots while waiting... Rocco and his studly self...
Angel being sexy... And, Lizzy being naturally beautiful, as always!

Well, hmmm...let's see...Apparently, there was more waiting in our agenda! LOL So I decided to take pictures of Frankie with his mock parents: Rocco became Frankie's dad for a short time after he graduated, because Frankie moved back to SC, and during that time he lived with him.
And, of course, that meant that Angel was his mother for a short time too. They are such great people!!! I'm so glad that they cared for Frankie. He truly loves and respects them tremendously, as I do! what??? Well, we took the opportunity to turn our idol time into a photo shoot:
Me and my baby sister, Liz Ann. She is so precious!!! It's funny...I always wanted her to be my daughter. When she was born, I was 12, and as she grew I tried to take care of her, dress her up, take her places, and such; She was my little doll. Now look at her...she is a beautiful young lady. She makes me smile, because I'm very proud of what she has become!
Ironically, Frankie is 12 years older than his youngest sister too. I know that Kela inspires him in many ways. However, I'm not sure if Frankie has ever wanted to be her daddy. Hahahaha!!!
My eternal family!!! These people are what I live for. They are the guiding force in my life. I love them tremendously, and hope that I will be the mother and wife that they need me to be. As we all make mistakes in life, we continue to love and press forward TOGETHER. I'm so proud that we never give up on each other. Love endures, and provides miracles, and I'm glad that love is found in our home. =) We may not be organized, we may not have structure, we may not do every thing right....but we do have love, and that gets us through many things.
What can I say about my boys??? They beat me up, use me as a punching bag, twist me like a wrestling dumby, and wear me into the ground...but they have my back! I know they will defend me in any given situation. These boys are my small army of soldiers. Not only are they physical soldiers, but they are spiritual warriors too. I hold to the promise: Raise up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it. Well, this is my posterity of priesthood bearers. I have confidence in them... I know they will be valiant and be an instrument in the hands of the Lord. They may stumble, they may falter, but in the end, they will be triumphant...of this I have no doubt!

Okay, change of subject! I had taken so many pictures this day (of course, can't show them all), but I found something very intersting as I was going through them: My older boys' relationship with me were captured. They each have a unique way of dealing with me, and for some odd reason, pictures were taken of this phenomenon. Let me share what I mean:

Frankie has never been afraid to show affection. He kisses me...
...and allows me to kiss him too. (Usually just on the cheeks, though...rarely on the lips.)

Brandon never lets me kiss him!!!! hahahaha!!! He doesn't like hugs, kisses, or touching his mama! There are only RARE moments that I have been able to steal affection from him. He avoids it like the plague. Funny...he'll hug his dad, though. ;)

And, then there's Gabriel. He grabs me every single day, and pulls me into him and makes me kiss him on the mouth. If I ever turn my head to kiss on the cheek, he yanks my face around to get a pucker right across the lips. LOL! He requires this daily! I love it.
And, of course, last but not least...there is my husband...who passionately embraces me every single moment he can. It doesn't matter where we are (public or not), he will pull me closely into him and show he loves me with his kiss. It's very special. It took a long time for me to allow him to do this, because I was so paranoid, but I have found that I've received great comfort in this gesture. I know that he values and adores me, and is not ashamed of how he feels. He never misses a moment to kiss me.

Everyone in my family is very unique. They bring a wonderful dynamic to our home. I value and respect them tremendously. I'm glad the Lord has blessed me abundantly with them. I only want to honor them. That is my eternal goal.


April said...

That is so awesome that Carly was baptized and that Brandon was the one to perform it! Congratulations to her!

Angel said...

Wow, I didn't notice how well the whole fam was co-ordinated that day. You should photo shop some letters in there!