Tuesday, August 9, 2011

St. George Temple Sealing

29 July 2011 My neice, Amy, came to visit and we had so much playing Loaded Questions with her and her family when they stopped by. It was really awesome, because I haven't seen her in about five years. I'm so glad we had the opportunity to reconnect. The purpose of their trip was to be sealed in the St. George Temple where Amy's husband (Keaton) is from (or where his family is living now). They were absolutely adorable...or shall I say...BEAUTIFUL!

I'm glad Amy forgave us when we showed up for her sealing an hour late and missed the whole thing, because we didn't realize that there was a time difference between Vegas and St. George...urghhh! Thankfully, Keaton recognized Frank inside the dressing room and had his dad catch him before they all left to go outside. When I was told of the mix up, I was so upset! I couldn't believe we totally missed my neice's sealing! AWFUL! Fortunately, we were able to go hang out with them a bit and have some lunch and social time with Keaton's family, whom we absolutely loved and enjoyed! They are really great people. I'm glad Amy married into a wonderful family. It totally made my day! Isn't Amy beautiful?!


Mary Beth said...

can i please have her dress!!! GORGEOUS!

Rebekah Del Priore said...

Amy Looks SO PRETTY!!!! And Yes I love her Dress:)