We have a haunted house that is located about a mile from our house, and Gabriel has been wanting to go real bad. However, he didn't want to go by himself. Tonight it was kind of a last minute decision to head over there, so finding someone to go with him was difficult. (His brothers had school work, friends were unavailable, and parents didn't wa
nt to join. The only person who wanted to tag along was Noah, but I wouldn't let him.) I ended up feeling sorry for Gabriel, and told him I would escort him, so he wouldn't have to go in alone. Fortunately, though, when we got over there, there was a couple in line, so he was able to walk through with them, and he didn't require me going in. Shewww! (I hate anything remotely eerie. I avoid it, if at all possible.)
Gabriel was so excited for his FIRST haunted house!!!
He anxiously waited his turn, and hoped for a BIG scare!
He looked like he was shook up a bit when he came out...
...take a deep breath!!! LOL
He said it was fun, and he would definitely do it again.

(Brandon entered the "Asylum" two years ago, and said it was the scariest thing he's ever done. He came home with dirt ground all into his pants, which was a result of him getting trampled by people running away. He was so frightened that he ran all the way from the Home Depot store out until he hit Craig Rd.--a LONG way!!! He wanted to make sure he got clear of danger. He said he wished someone had timed him, because he is sure it is the fastest he has ever run in his life. He was so scared that he said he would not go back in it again...but now Gabriel wants to go! YIKES!)
Sheww!!! My boy was able to handle it without his Mama! So glad!!! So glad!!! Although, maybe I should have gone in, because someone might have scared my hair into submission. Not quite sporting it here. Some days I just don't feel like fixing myself up. I'm about ready to grow my hair back out...really. There is so much upkeep in short hair!!! Urghhh! It's starting to irritate me.

I hate those things too. Jason and I went once and Jason pushed me out of the way and ran off leaving me there with a freaky chainsaw guy.
I don't like anything scary!! I scream during scary movies and I even get freaked out at the "ghost house" rides at the fair. I definitely would not have volunteered to go to the haunted house but I'm glad he enjoyed it.
Luke and I have our anniversary on the 29th and so we always try to go to a haunted house together. Believe it or not... he is so much more of a scaredy cat and baby than I am. THis last one we went to, he would not open the door we had to go through or go back out by himself. So of course I opened it. Then there had to be someone who would lay down on this operating table so everyone else could go on and of course I had to be the one who did it. The table fell down and went through the wall with me on it and put me in another room with a bloody surgeon on teh other side ready to operate. Luke and the others came through a door to see it and rescue me. AAAAAHHHH! So fun though. The only thing that gets me through is to keep saying to myself. THis is not real and they can't touch me or I can sue them. Hee hee.
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