Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Margaritaville @ The Flamingo

15 Oct 09
My husband wanted me to run errands with him, but we ended up eating dinner at Margaritaville. I certainly was not dressed for the occasion, but it was nice spending time with my baby, no matter what I looked like. We sat out on the balcony and had a great view of the strip. It was very nice. I always enjoy are unexpected moments of togetherness!
You know, my husband says the sweetest things to me. Just the other day he said, "hunny, I love you so much! You make me want to live." Huh??? I immediately responded, "Well, gosh, I would hope you want to live on your own." To which he quickly explained, "Yeah, but I think without you, I would just exist. With you, I LIVE!"

Awww...He's a keeper!!!!

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