Thursday, October 1, 2009

Bocce Competition

We took our boys on a cruise to the Western Carribean a few years ago, and traveled on an Italian cruise line (Costa). While aboard, we learned the Italian game of Bocce. It is SO fun!!! My boys fell in LOVE with this sport! As soon as we returned to the states, we ordered our own set of bocce balls.

Thus, when Dad came home from work today, and invited us to the park to play, we were excited. (Brandon was working and Frankie was napping, so they didn't come. However, the rest of us had a fierce competition!) It's great that the park has bocce courts here, because we never had them in SC. We just improvised and played in our yard.
Our teams were: Gabriel and Mom
against Noah and Dad,
and Kela was our cheerleader.
She also started each round off by throwing out the jack ball.
Noah got the hang of things and kept us on our toes.
Dad was serious to make sure his balls were right on target.
Gabriel was long as he kept focus.
Uh, yeah, let's see...he threw/kicked five of our balls away, before we even chunked them. Grrrr! ;) He also hit Dad and Noah's balls into the jack to give them the advantage on a few rounds. Grrrr! ;)
We had some controversial throws, and had to bring out the measuring device to assure accuracy of points. You win some; you lose some.
I also had to take my time, because my smack talk needed to be backed up with fierce play. LOL!!! Most of the time it was! Oh, yeah!
To no avail, though! We lost!
We were tied going into the last round, and my hubby got the winning point. Gah!!! Got to hate that!!!!
Of course, the winners had to celebrate in good spirit! ;)


Ranee J Fratangelo said...

we love bacci. we have two sets, one R takes to work.

Leigh This Way said...

I have no idea what that game is. I'm gonna have to look that one up cause it looks like y'all had tons of fun.