Saturday, September 12, 2009

SC Trip--Day 8--Saying Goodbye/ Arriving Home

Well, this was my last day in South Carolina. Therefore, it was a very solemn one.

First, Mary woke up sick, so I had to spend my day pretty much alone, without my sidekick. I spent the morning in a dentist chair getting a broken tooth fixed. Then, I piddled around at the mall, while I waited on my lunch date with Frankie's dad. I met him and his wife, Jane, at Lizard's Thicket in West Columbia. I couldn't eat much, because my mouth was still numb, but I did enjoy getting to chat a bit before I had to head off.

I can't express how difficult this day was for me. I was very sad! There are so many people that I love in South Carolina! I felt like I was being pulled away from a part of my soul. I didn't want to let it go. I tried to linger as long as I could without missing my flight. I didn't know when I would see them again.
My soul was crying out, "NO!!!!"
However, I had to stop procrastinating and just leave.
So, Nanny and Papa drove us to the airport. :(
As painful as it was to leave, though, I DO LOVE my family in Vegas! I was excited to get back to them as well. They bring me so much joy! It was a bittersweet occasion!...saying goodbye was hard, but also returning to other loved ones was exciting.

Gabriel was just starting his SC vacation. As Mary and I were leaving the Columbia airport, Gabriel was arriving. It was nice to see each other in passing...

Here he is coming down the terminal.
He had a good experience flying all by himself as a minor.
I'm just glad he made it SAFE! Mary and I got our hugs... ... gave a quick welcome.
Then I gave Gabriel some well wishes to enjoy himself on his vacation. )I know he certainly didn't need me telling him that, but you know mothers. LOL)
I handed Gabriel over to his Grandma...
Then I told him bye...and Mary and I boarded our plane to head out.
Gabriel's trip was compliments of his Grandma Evelyn. She paid for him to fly out and have some fun. He really appreciated that. THANKS!

On the flip side, after about six hours, I arrived in Las Vegas...
...and was greeted by my husband...
...who was thoroughly happy to have me back.
I was SO glad to be back in his loving arms!

It was good to be home! ;)

1 comment:

April said...

I'm sorry that the fun had to end, but it looks like you had an awesome time from all of the pictures. I bet it's nice being home!