Wednesday, September 9, 2009

SC Trip--Day 6--Church

I never miss a day of church...even on vacation! Here are some of my old friends in Lexington:

Frankie Black

Ken and Heather Walter

Kevin Carlisle

Talbert and Alex Black

Laurie Stacey

Christy Mayo and Mary Beth Carlisle

Sarah Stacey

deLa Cruz


Jessica Freeman

Tye and Lauralan Campbell

John Reynolds

Tyla Campbell

Kevin and Sabrina Warren

Bishop Black

Parris Jenkins

Kathy Campbell

Martha/Toyeka Campbell and Tammy Reynolds

Chadd and Karen Rozmus


Kenny and Jessica Whetstone

Katie Neubaum

Melissa Rodgers

Jo and Lisa DaRosa

Tammy Hood

Jimmy and Lana Widener and Gloria Black


Huke, Lollie, and Gracie! said...

I am glad to see in that in all your wild and crazy fun you still went to church. It is so important even on vacation. Way to go!

Mary McDonald said...

Yeah, we went to church...for 5 HOURS!!! That was the longest I have been at church in a long time. We kept seeing the same people and they were like "Go home already or get to class!" LOL