Sunday, August 2, 2009

Testosterone Tussle

You never know what will occur around our house from moment to moment. One minute everything is low key, and then within seconds the mood can change to hyper chaos. Tonight was no exception.

The boys had gathered around the table to play a game of spades, and my husband directed Gabriel to get a pen and paper for the score. When he returned, Brandon snatched the paper from Gabriel as he was handing it to his dad. Immediately, Dad snatches it back from him. Now you know this does not end things, but only starts further competition. Consequently, Brandon tugs again, but as he does, without realizing it, he slides the paper over toward Gabriel. Therefore, Gabriel was able to take hold of the paper and regain custody. Well, Brandon gets up to physically attack his brother (playfully), which causes his dad jto jump in too. At this point, Brandon turns from Gabriel to give his dad a little tussle (again a friendly war). Consequently, it turned into a huge wrestling match. Frankie ended up joining the fight as well, helping Brandon. So, we have Gabriel/Dad vs. Frankie/Brandon: Early in the fight my husband had energy, and was man handling the boys.
Notice he has them both secured.
Let's not forget Gabriel who was doing his best to fend off his older brothers too.
Then Frankie ran and jumped on his dad like a spider monkey,
but his dad was able to easily throw him to the floor. LOL
Can you tell that my husband loves feeling dominant? :)
He was doing some major smack talking...
So, the boys returned to the table to compete.
However, it didn't last long before the boys decided they would jump their dad again.
(Notice Gabriel trying to grab Brandon's ankle to pull him off.)
Brandon finally wrestled his dad to the ground, mainly because my hubby was losing wind.
(Lay off those chips, Baby.)
Meanwhile, Gabriel was holding his own against Frankie, and suplayed him onto the couch.
Frankie finally made his way over to try and help Brandon, but Gabriel was doing his best to keep him off with a choke. LOL
Eventually, my hubby called it quits because he hurt his back. OUCH!
The boys tried to make sure that their old man was alright. :)
See, never a dull moment.
And, then what?
Back to the table to finish their game of cards.
Spades anyone?


Tara said...

That's funny. Thanks for the commentary. Where was Noah?

Anonymous said...

LOL! Looks like fun! Thats how it is at Trent's parents house, he has 3 younger brothers and every time we get together there is ALWAYS a big wrestling match! :)

Leigh This Way said...

Hahaha! I love the commentating! Maybe you should look into it as a second job ;)

Liz Ann said...

Yall are seriously some crack heads. When I saw Frankie doing his spider monkey move...I totally had flash backs of when my flipped out and attacked Rocco. Ha ha ha

Liz Ann said...

oops...I ment to say when "Mom" flipped out

April said...

Do they ever break things? My dad and 3 brothers used to do that kind of stuff and would end up breaking things like chairs and fish tanks. Not pretty. Sometimes I'm glad I have only girls!

Pettin'Tales said...

Marina, I just blog stalked you. Cute Blog! And I'm wondering, is this what I have to look forward to with my boys?! (I secretly hope so:)

Stu and Kaycee Fillmore said...

Never a dull moment! Can't even imagine what it's like having a house full of boys!!! Always fun!