Friday, August 7, 2009

Gabriel Leaves for BSA Camp

Gabriel packed his bags...all six of them, plus a tent and chair, to take to scout camp. He said he learned from last time, that he needed to be better prepared. Wow! Okay! Gabriel headed for the door. He was anxious to go!Brandon was gracious enough to wake up at 4:00 am to help him get where he needed to be. First stop was Wal-Mart to get snacks!Lots of them!!!Can't forget the Gatorade.
Richard said he got blinded by the flash.
Brandon couldn't go because of work.

The best Scout Master ever!!!! (Kris Alexander)

Piling in the truck.
Wait! You have to give me a hug bye!
...and another!
He's off!


Leigh This Way said...

6 bags! Are you kiddin! Had he decided to move to camp and never come back? Crazy kid.

Rebekah Del Priore said...

Oh my goodness! Gabriel is doing the "Marina" in all his pictures. You know the wow look with the mouth wide open. hahaha I saw him Tues. He is SOOOOOO much older!