Friday, August 28, 2009

SC Trip--Day 4/Part 1--Miyabi's

My sisters and I always have a night where we can go out together, and just let loose. This day was it! We went to Miyabi's (a hibachi restaurant), and then later to midnight bowling.
It was Emry's (my neice's) birthday, so we made sure she had a good time with us. Rocco thought he would come along to keep us under control...Haha...yeah, like that was going to happen! Sorry! We're too much to handle. All the pretty ladies...Mary and I knew we made a good decision to fly out and see everyone...Yes, we are brilliant! Cheers!We ate it up!Yum!!!!I hardly ever get to spend time with Delia (because of her work), so I'm glad I had some extra time with her this night. =)...because normally it's just me and my younger sisters! (We're the ones who hang out the most...They are great!)...Oh, and can y'all please teach me how to do the lip thingy? I just don't have it! Haha!!!
Rocco driving us absolutely crazy, as usual!
...but we decided we couldn't hold a grudge!We actually do really love him! He's amazing!!!
We had a group full of fun!

We even put on a little celebration show since it was Emry's birthday. Well, I should say Mary did. She didn't want Emry all alone, so she jumped up and gave her some support. LOL! We had a lot of workers who were interested in watching. It was hilarious! I didn't get the camera out until after they were almost done, but you get the idea of what they were acting like.

There you go, Jim...your wife is embarrasing you again...sorry! I couldn't keep her under control like you asked. ;)
We just always have a good time doesn't matter what we do. We find a way!
Back row: strike a pose.
Front row: missed the memo!
Try again...Aha! There you go!
Okay...we had to do a Charlie's Angels shot! ...because you know us sisters are cRaZy!!! and we will take anybody out if they get in our way! Oh yeah....

Don't mess with the Del Priore girls!

1 comment:

Liz Ann said...

I didn't know you video taped them dancing. I'm going to have to go back and add all the videos to mine