Saturday, August 22, 2009

SC Trip--Day 3--Lake Murray

We woke up groggy again from late nights. Hmmmm... starting this day off with 7 hrs of total sleep within a 72 hr period...yeah, that's how we roll. No worries, though! We were pumped for more action!!! Papa sending his well wishes as we took off for the lake with Delia.
He is the BEST DAD in the world!!!!

As we were preparing for the day, Jared and I started to play a little game of Red Rover with Isabel. Well, Mary got the bright idea that Delia and I couldn't hold her. Well, we took her up on her challenge! The first go round, she came at us hard, but as she approached us, we moved our bodies with hers so that arms wouldn't break grip. She protested our action and wanted a redo!!! She said, "That's cheating! You have to stay still!" Consequently, we obliged her argument. Well, Mary was determined to go full force on us! As she went down the hallway to get some serious momentum, Delia looked at me, and said, "when she gets to us, let go!" Hahaha! Okay, well, you know I'm all game on that strategy! Lizzy gets the video out, knowing Mary is in for a treat....Hahaha!!!!! Watch this!!!!

BLAHAHAHAHA!!!! I could watch this over and over!!!
You know, Mary may not have gotten injured if she wasn't so dilerious from lack of sleep. She didn't know what hit her. She was so out of it! LOL!!!
Yes, we can be cruel, but it was sooooo funny!!!!!
Delia convinced us to hangout on her boat, evn though we were a little reluctant...
...but we are so glad we did...
...because we had so much fun as sisters doing so!!!
It was very relaxing.

We let the wind blow through our hair...
...and sat back and enjoyed the beautiful day.
Delia even convinced me to put on a life jacket to prepare for tubing.
Mary decided to join me...
... and Lizzy said she would film us.
AAAAHHHHHH!!!! I really gonna do this?...I don't want my hair wet.
Mary, don't act up while we're out there!
The calm before the storm...
Giving the go!
Emry was driving the boat and was determined to throw me off...well, she did! Danggit! Now I have to redo my hair!!!!
Mary was celebrating because she stayed on.
Alright! Now that my hair is already wet, I am ready to get serious! Bring it on!!!!
Holy cow! Okay, maybe not that much, Emry! You're killing my legs!!!! You're beating them up!! The waves are smashing me, and I know I am going to walk away bruised!!! Arghh!!!
Hahaha!!!!! Oh, yeah!!!! Take that!!!!! I survived! Mary fell!!! Whoop! Whoop!
We were utterly exhausted after that wild ride! Look how red my legs are!
The girls told me to pose for my hubby...
When he saw my shot...his response was, "I like it when you just smile."
Okay, so I CAN'T do sexy! Oh, well.

At this point, I was ready for some sun! Give me the rays! My white butt needs a tan!!!!
Will ended up joining us too.
I have to give him props for putting up with his wild sister-in-laws. He just grins and bears us.
Delia was serious about her driving! She really took care of us, and we had a blast!!!
What!!!!? No Wi-Fi at Delia's either?!
When can I upload my pictures?!!!
Okay, I guess we'll just have to keep partying!!!
That's right...this night we stayed up until 4:30 AM, baby!


Liz Ann said...

Gosh, u r so much better at narrating than me. Now I remember why I always had u wright my papers ;-) I'm going to have to redo mine and copy yours.

Pop said he wants me to blow the pic up of us kissing him. He really liked it!

Liz Ann said...

And is it just us who thinks this video is so Freaking FuNnY or is it just bc we were there and we know Mary. I just die laughing every time I see it blaaaahhhhhaaaaaa

Marina said...

Lizzy, you have NO idea how many times I have watched that video, and every time I do I about start crying from laughing so hard!!! The energy in that room was thick, and of course knowing Mary makes it even funnier, for sure! She said, "I was commited! I wasn't slowing up for nothing!" Blahahahaha!!!!! Hilarious!!!!

Brigg and Dianne said...

Ok, so I scrolled all the way down and saw all your recent postings. What an incredibly fun time you have had! I love that you have such awesome family and friends!!! How nice it must have been to see all of them. You're such a good blogger, too!

Stu and Kaycee Fillmore said...

Oh Marina, You know how to have a good time. Looks like you have a great family! I am amazed at how much energy you have, and at how much you get done. You are amazing!!