Thursday, August 20, 2009

SC Trip--Day 1/Part 5--Pantini (Game)

Uncle Joe bought everyone pizza...
...and then we preceded to play games. Pantini anyone?
Our family is fierce competitors at everything we play, but Rocco is by far the worse!
Celebrating... Debating... Concern...
More laughing...
Still laughing...
Side-splitting laughter...
Can NOT stop laughing...
When the category of "I like..." was aimed at Ethen, everyone thought the same thing and broke out in song! LOL...

Me, Emry, Mary, and Liz Ann stayed up until 6:30 AM playing and talking. We had a great bonding night!


Erica Wyatt said...

How fun to go. I love that we are not the only crazy family!

Pamela said...
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Pamela said...

Ethen dancing in the background of that video is priceless!!! I'm so glad you both were able to come to SC for a visit!

Liz Ann said...

Yes we do know how to have fun. I don't think I have laughed that hard before