Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Gabriel's Trip to the ER

Gabriel woke up yesterday with pain in his mouth, and then later it started to swell. I took him to the dentist right away. After taking x-rays and examining him, the dentist couldn't see what the source of his problem was. However, she did prescribe him antibiotics for the obvious infection. Gabriel woke me up at 3:30 AM and showed me his face and pain were getting worse, so I took him to the ER. Even though, when we arrived noone was in the waiting room, it took the staff an hour and a half to get us in the back.
(This is in triage.)
They took us to one room, but then quickly moved us because they said they didn't have the necessary equipment to deal with him there.
Consequently, we trekked over to the main ER floor. They got an IV in him right away (his first). Therefore, he was a little apprehensive when he saw the needle, but was a good sport. It made him sick, though, and he threw up (wouldn't let me take a pic of that. =0) ).Gabriel kept asking for his dad. He was feeling so bad, he wanted to have him by his side. Thankfully, he showed up around 8 AM. Having him there made him feel more at peace.
The doctor ordered a CT Scan. However, because he has braces, the images were not clear, and it was inconclusive.
Around 10:00, I finally had to leave, because I had a lot of things to do. Plus, Kela was sick at home throwing up. Now, I'm waiting word from my husband. Last I heard (1:45 PM) he was going to see the oral surgeon to see if he could diagnose his problem. We'll see...

Meanwhile, I missed my school, and am hoping I didn't have a pop quiz in History, which my professor tends to give. Ahhh!

Oh, yeah...Gabriel requested a blessing last night, and after his dad gave him one, Kela jumped up real fast and said, "My turn!" LOL! Her dad smiled and granted her request with joy. Then Noah felt he should ask as well, so he had a father's blessing given to him too. It was so cute watching the little ones ask for this service. I'm glad they recognized the benefit in it.


Ranee J Fratangelo said...

So sad...I hope he'll be ok!

April said...

Oh no! Hopefully the doctors will figure it out soon! We are praying for him. Sorry Kela is sick too.

Mikelene said...

Oh my goodness!I hope they quickly figure out what's wrong! Hope he heals quickly.

Brigg and Dianne said...

I see this was posted yesterday. Did they figure out what is wrong? I hope everything turned out okay.

Pamela said...

Prayers for your family! I hope Gabriel is ok.....keep us posted!

Unknown said...

Wow, that is crazy. Sounds like a very loooong night and day for that matter. GOod luck. Can't wait to see what they figure out.

nicole said...

awww! i hope gabriel feels better soon. and kela too! keep us posted with what happens and what they find.

Mary Beth said...

wow, that is really scary

Leigh This Way said...

Oh no! Emily had a problem like that when she was a kid. It ended up that she had an abcess but I remember her cheek swelling up just like that. I hope he's ok.

Liz Ann said...

What? How did I miss the post? Holy Crap! I hope everything turns out ok.