Monday, July 20, 2009

Update on Gabriel

Gabriel ended up getting a hole drilled into his tooth and stronger meds. After four days, his swelling is finally going down. He has to see an endodontist to get a root canal. Then, he will need to get his tooth capped. However, he will not be able to do that until his braces are off. His dentist will just put a temporary filling in it. With all that said, though, they never could tell if his tooth was absessed or not, but the stronger antibiotics definitely helped him.


Leigh This Way said...

Yeah! It stinks that they still don't know what caused it but thankfully he's doing better.

Huke, Lollie, and Gracie! said...

I am glad he is doing okay now! Sounds scary!

Liz Ann said...

Power to stronger meds