Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The Cannery and A&W Rootbeer

Tuesday morning our ward had its canning day. (I try to go every month, because I know that food storage is important, especially in these bad economic times.) Since Holly was visiting, she decided she would come too. She had never done it before, and figured it would be a great experience. Frankie initially was going to shop at DI (Deseret Industries) while we were canning, but they were not opened yet, so he had to join us.
I quickly put him in charge of making boxes for our crew.
Doesn't he look thrilled to be doing this?
Our ward did over 100 cans! Yay! And it only took us a little over an hour.
Our family got rice, sugar, and dry milk.
I'm glad I had my little helpers with me. They did a great job, and learned real fast! I know it will be something they will remember. Who knows...Frankie may even come back. =)
I let Frankie transport our goods to the car, being the man he is!
The best part, though, was going to A&W afterwards.
This is Frankie's favorite place.
It was pretty good, I must say...I haven't had a soda in quite some time. I usually only drink water, but it was cool to watch our rootbeer ice over in our cold mugs.
Yum! Yum!


Rebekah Del Priore said...

Good! You are working on food storage! And AW is awesome! Ethen and I went to one on our Honeymoon. Ethen loves Root beer floats! We make them alot!

Leigh This Way said...

Oh my, I'm so jealous. Root beer is one of my favorite drinks! Especially when its served in an ice cold mug. I love it!

Mary Beth said...

your cannery is AMAZING

Brigg and Dianne said...

What awesome mugs! That is the best way to enjoy a drink! Good for you guys, staying on top of your food storage! Your family is such a great example!