Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Time to Say Goodbye... (Lydia and Parris)

After going to the movies to watch The Proposal with me (Oh, so funny!!!), Lydia came back to the house to pack. :( She did all of it while Parris was in St. George watching High School Musical III (live play) with Frankie and Holly at the Tuocahn theater. I hated seeing her gather her belongings, because I knew that meant she was leaving me.
I have always loved Lydia. You see, she lived a short portion of her life with my family when I was growing up, and I have considered her a part of me. She is so funny and vibrant, and she has a steadfast testimony of our Savior. She is wonderful, and I have loved every minute I have spent with her! We had some good times! Noah was attached to her at the hip. She read him books, talked many hours with him, played games, and hung out.
He was loving all of her attention! Parris was a sweetie too. However, she wasn't around much since she was at EFY.
Lydia and Brandon were spade partners during the two week visit.
My hubby and I were their opponents, and we are waiting on our next match with them, because Lydia left while we were one and one (best 3 of 5).
However, the person who played the most cards with Lydia was Gabriel (not pictured because he was sleeping). He begged to play everyday, and they did. LOL

Frankie loved being obnoxious to Parris.
I know she had to be annoyed with him by the end. =)
Then we packed the car for them...
...and said farewell at the airport.
Awww...so sad! I can't wait until they come back for another visit.
I miss them already...

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