Thursday, June 11, 2009


I realize that I am getting older. Look at all the wrinkles around my eyes! Notice the grey hairs too...I have LOTS of those! I am definitely losing my youthful look. I hope that I am wiser, though. It's just another transition! But, hey! I'm in it for the long haul!


Leigh This Way said...

Ahh, you look great!! I hope I look as good as you after have 5 kids!

Hey, I'm only 24 with no kids and a few weeks back I found a gray hair. This wasn't the first time either! I look at my mom who has raised 5 kids and gone through A LOT and her hair is still really dark and I wonder why I'm already finding gray ones.

Ranee J Fratangelo said...


Boren Family said...


Liz Ann said...

Hey, that just means you smile a lot. You must be one happy woman

Rebekah Del Priore said...

I agree with Liz Ann, you do smile a lot, because you have a lot to be happy about!:)

Rebekah Del Priore said...
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Mary McDonald said...

I said the same thing about smiling, but apparently she's just OLD! LOL

Love You!

nicole said...

i LOVE wrinkles and gray hair! i think they are the truest form of beauty and wisdom.
you my dear, and such a beautiful woman! i just saw you tonight, and i didn't even notice wrinkles or gray hair! are you sure you didn't photoshop that picture?? ;]

April said...

I have always thought that your gray hairs look great (seriously!) and I've never noticed any wrinkles. You always look fabulous!

Mary Beth said...

you are so gorgeous - and everyone can tell that by just lookin' at your eyes.