Thursday, June 11, 2009

Renise's Graduation

The Wolfe family (yes, it's spelled like our name) showed us our very first greetings of hospitality when we arrived in Vegas. Frank met Rob when Rob was on a TDY (temporary duty) to Shaw AFB. They played basketball together, and hit it off real well. They became great friends! Consequently, when we received orders to move to Vegas, our first point of contact was the Wolfe family. Let me just say....they are AMAZING people!!! They are so kind and generous, and truly an example of love! Although, our busy schedules have prevented us from hanging out a lot, we still consider them to be some of our greatest friends. They are special people!!! Frank, Reagan, Tracy, Renise, Me, and Rob Wolfe
Tracy, Renise, and Rob Wolfe
Aunt, Grandma Wolfe, Ashley (sister), Tracy (mom), Renise (graduate), Reagan (sister), Rob (dad), and James (uncle)
We love these people!!!
James and Frank exchanging stories.
Frank showing some love to Retired TSgt Rob Wolfe (now he's a correctional officer at the prison).
We ate at the Rio buffet afterwards. All Frank ate was crablegs and shrimp.I always get a variety... ...and never pass up dessert.
Needless to say, my stomach was hurting by the time we left.


Leigh This Way said...

Oh my, I'm looking at the amount of crab legs that Frank ate and my stomach is hurting just looking at them. They sure are good but dang that's a big pile!

Liz Ann said...

give me some of that dessert

Mary McDonald said...

I want to go to Vegas just for the buffets of food!!!

Mary Beth said...
