Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Phantom @ The Venetian

Have I mentioned that my hubby is my Sugar Daddy? He got more free tickets for another Vegas show!!! This time to see The Phantom, my favorite! When we first moved here, he took me because he knows I obsess over The Phantom of the Opera. He got me 2nd row seats! It was awesome! I have also trained Noah to love it too. He sings all the songs and requests watching the movie periodically and loves listening to the CD. So...Frank said that I HAD to take Noah. He knew he would have a good time. He told me we had to dress up to get the whole broadway experience. No argument here!
Venetian Hotel where The Phantom is played.
Noah and I waiting on our tickets.
More waiting. :) We had some spare time so we walked around the hotel.
This is the front balcony.
Notice the gondola behind us. Noah wanted to get on, but I told him we would have to do that another time. Who doesn't want to ride romantically through the hotel being serenaded by an Italian?
This is the center court. It's supposed to be Venice.
Doesn't it look like we're outside? Well, we're not. The ceiling is painted to give the effects that we are, though. It's soooo cool!
Here is another.
You can't go to Venice without gelato. Yum!!!
Noah was a little shy about taking a photo with the jackel.
However, he threw this live, human statue some money so he could pose with him.
I don't know how they stand still for so long...crazy!
We snagged these street singers and got a shot with them too.
Noah was in the mood for more junk...this time a cinnamon and sugar pretzel.
Finally, it was time for the show!
I only got one shot off inside the Theatre before I was told I couldn't take pictures, so I had to settle for Noah's eyes being closed. :(
Noah had a great time! He was clapping and yelling, "Bravo! Bravo!" at the conclusion. I don't even know how he knew to say that. LOL He also said he wanted to act and be the Phantom when he grows up. I told him to practice.
Afterwards, we poked our fingers in the glass waterfall. Fun!
And, Noah threw coins in the wishing well.

The Venetian is one of my favorite hotels down on the strip. These photos show the elegance of it. These are shots from inside. Again, it looks like you're outside, but you're not. It is the coolest thing! I love it!


April said...

I love that show! That's so sweet that you went and took Noah!

LaNelle said...

Ok seriously...isn't it the best show ever? I went in December and again in March as a chaperon for a field trip. It is adorable that Noah went with you and that he enjoyed it! I'm jealous that you get to go to so many awesome shows!

Rebekah Del Priore said...

Oh my Goodness! Noah Looked like he had a wonderful time. Y'all did so much before the show!!! I LOVE that you dressed up!!! And the Venice was awesome! Man I wish I was out there!
Noah looks Like A little MAN! HUGS AND KISSES!!!

I Know he'll remember the Wonderful night with his MOM. :)

Liz Ann said...

Oh my goodness. Noah looked so cute. All dressed up taking his Mama out on a date. I leave that show for y'all, you know I don't like the phantom

Melissa B said...

What a fun date. You both look so great all dressed up!

Shannon Hensley said...

Aww fun! I'm extremely jealous. Phantom is definitely one of my favorite shows, but I've never seen it live. Tragic, I know. Especially for a theatre major.

But y'all look like it was a blast. That hotel is gorgeous and so are you Sis Wolfe!

Leigh This Way said...

I'm so jealous! I've wanted to see Phantom since I was a little kid! I had a friend who had a tree swing and we used to swing on it, sing, and pretend that we were Christine. I love that show! I made Preston take me to see a sneak preview of the movie and like the good man he is, he did. One day I'll see it but its good to know that y'all enjoyed it so much.

Mary Beth said...

oh how wonderful - I'm so jealous!!! Noah looks SO cute and of course, as always, you look gorgeous

Brigg and Dianne said...

What an awesome experience! Marina, you look absolutely stunning (and Noah looks dashing, too)! It is so nice that you take the time to spend one-on-one time with each of your kids. I'll bet he will remember this special day with you for the rest of his life.

House of Squitty said...

Aww! These have got to be my favorite pictures yet! I'm also just slightly jealous of all of the shows you get to see...enjoy!