Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Noah's Day Care

When I started school, I had to arrange for Noah to be watched by someone, mainly because Noah was only attending 1/2 day kindergarten, and not in full-time school himself, and there wasn't always someone at our house to watch him. Frankie (son) was able to watch him most of the time, since we had opposite schedules, but there were occasions when it conflicted. Therefore, on those occasions, Noah went to Jamie Jewett's house. Yesterday, Noah took her a present to say thank you.
Let me just say, Jamie did such a great job of entertaining Noah that he would BEG me to go over to her house, even if it wasn't needed. He absolutely loved her attention!!! He liked playing with little Emma too. Jamie planned all their activities so well, and treated it a lot like preschool. This lady is SO talented! I don't think there is anything she can't do! She is such a gem of a person and I'm thankful that Noah was able to spend time with her this year. Noah will miss his fun now that school schedules have changed and his brothers are now all available to watch him. However, I'm sure I'm going to get complaints from Noah. He does have a life long friend, though.


Liz Ann said...

Man I need to find somebody like that here

Brigg and Dianne said...

I wish I was like that! I am always running out of good ideas for fun activities to do with my kids.