Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Texas de Brazil--YUM!!!!

We rode over to Fry's to purchase a camera...but couldn't decide on one, which means I'm still taking pics with my phone! While in the area, though, we decided to eat at Texas de Brazil. OMG!!!! If you are a meat lover, this is the place for you! Basically, it's all you can eat of the most delicious meats around. They carve your food at your table. It's sooooo cool! It IS pricey,though...$45 a person, not including drinks or tip, of course. We spent $120 for the two of us. However, I think it was worth the experience...and I'm not even a big meat eater.
Frank was in HEAVEN!!!
This was really a fun night. The servers kept coming and coming and coming with all kinds of stuff. If you didn't turn your green card to red, they were constantly surrounding your table with choices. It was definitely an adventure...really different from your average restaurant.
And, of course, we weren't too dressed up considering we didn't plan this outing, but I guess we fit in okay.


Carla said...

We have a couple of Brazilian places like that here. They are good and A LOT of meat. Luckily ours are a bit cheaper at $28.00 a person.

Mary Beth said...

I'm on a diet here, can you PLEASE stop posting all the resturant pictures. I'm getting hungry

House of Squitty said...

So much fun! We haven't been to one of those in years, I think the closest one is in Charlotte.

Anonymous said...

oh my gosh, Gene would definately have lost his appetite when he saw the prices! That's one expensive meal, ha,ha.....Good thing you didn't have the kids with you. My friends at church and I went out to eat at Fats yesterday, and I told them how much ya'll missed eating there. It was so good, it's the last place I took Frankie before he moved back to Vegas.

Rebekah Del Priore said...

Hey that is awesome! They are really good, but it's nothing like being in Brazil. They do it up even more! I loved it, and the time with my mom. Yours was every high. They are only $25 here. But in Brazil it was only $5!!!! Super Cheap!!!

April said...

I've been there, or someplace exactly like it here. Anyway, it was awesome! How do you stay so thin, seriously?

Leigh This Way said...

There's one here in Charleston that's soo good but I think its only about $25 or so. But I guess in Vegas, everything a bit more pricey. Glad y'all had a great time though!

Brigg and Dianne said...

We should plan another night out and go there!