Saturday, June 13, 2009

The Encore Hotel

The Encore hotel: Wow!!! The valet guys bring out free bottled water, on a silver platter, while you're waiting for your car. The public restrooms have disposable toothbrushes/toothpaste, hairspray, etc. for you to use if you need freshening up...for free. This hotel has so many extra amenities to make you feel special, including the employees remaining soooo dignified! The hotel is BEAUTIFUL! It's a definite winner. Wow!
This is inside the front lobby.
Look at this beautiful vase of flowers by the registration desk.

We went here for a business meeting, but ended up on the temple grounds. It was really a great, uplifting night. I was reminded a lot about my husband: mainly that I am married to a righteous priesthood holder who has eternity in his sights. I appreciate his dedication to our marriage covenant, and love him for loving me so genuinely. Thanks, Hunny, for following the Spirit in our relationship.


Leigh This Way said...


Unknown said...

Makes me want to go check it out! Can't wait to hear the rest of the story.